“Nearly 75 percent of dispensaries, 60 percent of hospitals and 80 percent of doctors are located in urban areas, serving only 28 per cent of the Indian populace, says a new report released by KPMG and the Organization of Pharmaceutical Producers of India (OPPI)”. – The Economic Times
Mainstream medical and health professionals’ education does not provide opportunity for students to experience actual contexts of health problems in rural India. – The Rural Sensitization Program aims to bridge the gap between our current health education system and the grassroot realities of healthcare in our country.

Rural Sensitisation Programmes were first organised at Tribal Health Initiative, Sittilingi and Gudalur Adivasi Hospital, Gudalur to expose medical students, postgraduate students and junior doctors to rural life and problems, models of community health and to explore their role in contributing to health care in the country. For the first time, this program was held in North India in collaboration with Basic Healthcare Services located in Southern Rajasthan. 23 students and interns from Delhi, Gujarat and Rajasthan who were in their PG and III Year MBBS attended the RSP. During the camps young doctors have the opportunity to
- Stay in a rural area for 3 days
- See the real India first hand – its people, its dreams, its problems
- Travel to remote villages and interact with people there
- Meet resource persons from many fields and learn
- Make friends with similar aspirants
- Be part of a movement to make our country better

If you want more information about Rural Sensitization Programs – CLICK HERE