Policy Brief

  1. Decentralising Maternal Care in India by Srividya Ramanathan, Pavitra Mohan
  2. Making Primary Health Care Work by Vijayashree Yellappa, Dorothy Lall, Swathi S Balachandra, Pavitra Mohan
  3. Engaging Urban Communities for Healthcare by Srividya Ramanathan, Pavitra Mohan

Stories & Insights: 

  1. FORGING AHEAD WITH OUR FAMILIES – Stories of women health workers and family allyship

Publications in peer reviewed journals:

  1. Managing an adolescent with Type 1 Diabetes and socioeconomic deprivation in a remote primary care setting — Ethical challenges by Shyamsundar J Raithatha, Apexa Raithatha, Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan, Pavitra Mohan
  2. Integrating physiotherapy in rural primary health care: Early lessons on the value, feasibility, and emerging role of the physiotherapist from a community-oriented primary care (COPC) program in Rajasthan by Colis Anwari, Deekshita Yadav, Gargi Goel, B. C. Rao, Pavitra Mohan, Ramakrishna Prasad
  3. Effective, Respectful and Affordable Care: A call for Decentralized Maternal Care Mohan, Pavitra Mohan, Srividya Ramanathan
  4. Antenatal Uterotonics as a Risk Factor for Intrapartum Stillbirth and First-day Death in Haryana, India by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan.
  5. Primary care physicians and clinical courage – stories from tribal Rajasthan, India by Shyamsundar Raithatha and Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan 
  6. Healthcare in Post-Covid India: A call for a decentralized healthcare system by C.S. Pramesh, D.V.R. Seshadri, Evita Fernandez, Gullapalli N. Rao, Manisha Dutta, Pavitra Mohan.
  7. Financing Primary Health Care for Rural Areas (2020). Dutta M, Mohan P, BM, Sanjana, Ponnappan V, and Satyavageeshwaran P. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 9(11): 5516-5522
  8. Amrit Aahar: A study to assess the effectiveness of nutrition supplementation for patients with Tuberculosis in rural communities in Southern Rajasthan, Anupriya Saxena
  9. Pathways to Enable Primary Healthcare Nurses in Providing Comprehensive Primary Healthcare to Rural, Tribal Communities in Rajasthan, India (2020). Frontiers in Public Health
  10. Mohan P. (2020) Providing primary care in COVID-19 lockdown to rural, underserved areas of Rajasthan, India; BMJ Global Health Blogs
  11. The ‘Invisible’ Among the Marginalized: Do Gender and Intersectionality Matter in COVID-19 Response (2020), Indian Journal of Medical Ethics.Dutta M, Agarwal D, Sivakami M.
  12. Food Insecurity in Tribal High Migration Communities in Rajasthan, India. Food and Nutrition Bulletin (2020) Saxena A, Amin A, Mohan SB, Mohan P.
  13. Management of Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition in India: We Know Enough to Act, and We Should Act Now; Editorial, Indian Paediatrics, 54: 813-814. Mohan P, Mohan SB. (2017)
  14. Child Malnutrition in Rajasthan Study of Tribal, Migrant, Communities, Mohan P, Agarwal K, Jain P. (2016)  EPW.; 51(33):73–81.
  15. Communicable or noncommunicable diseases. Building strong primary health care systems to address double burden of disease in India; Mohan P, Mohan SB, Dutta M. (2019) Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 8(2) doi

Significant Consultations convened by Basic Healthcare Services

  1. Strengthening Primary Healthcare in Rural India.  Report and Recommendations of a National Consultation:https://www.indembassyisrael.gov.in/pdf/Rural_Primary_Care_Report_Sep05.pdf 
  2. Design Thinking Workshop on Future Designs of Primary Healthcare in India https://bhs.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/BHS-HSTP-Workshop-Report-.pdf
  3. Consultation of financing Primary Healthcare with Primary Healthcare Initiative https://udaipurtimes.com/business-udaipur/c74416w2859cid245582s10709/c74416-w2859-cid245582-s10709.htm

Publications in impactful media platforms and other prominent spaces

  1. India’s healthcare institutions need more women at the helm by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan 
  2. Nutrition and Growth Standards – Seeing Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors by Dr Yogesh Jain (YJ), With Dr. Pavitra Mohan (PM), and Dr. Rakesh Lodha (RL).
  3. What ails our Docs? by Dr Sanjana Mohan in OrissaPost
  4. How to contain India’s TB pandemic by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan and Dr. Pavitra Mohan
  5. PHC with a work culture will transform health by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan and Dr. Pavitra Mohan
  6. Guidelines for Management of Silicosis in Primary Care setting by Dr Ramani Atkuri
  7. Overcoming the Odds by Dr Sanjana Mohan & Lekha Rattanani in OrissaPost
  8. The long road to the ‘Right to Health’ in India by Pavitra Mohan and Naina Seth
  9. For rural healthcare it is back to basics by Dr. Pavitra Mohan and Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan
  10. How to contain India’s TB Pandemic (The Billion Press) by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan and Dr. Pavitra Mohan
  11. How to contain India’s TB Pandemic (South Asia Monitor) by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan and Dr. Pavitra Mohan
  12. The Stories of the Nurses of Basic Healthcare Services
  13. To Be Functional Democracy India Needs to Reclaim its Primary Healthcare by Dr. Pavitra Mohan
  14. COVID19 Myth versus Reality by Dr. Pavitra Mohan and Ms. Arpita Amin  
  15. Mitigating Malnutrition by Dr. Pavitra Mohan and Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan
  16. COVID-19 What Primary Health Workers Need by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan , Ms. Hyjel DSouza, Ms. Manisha Dutta
  17. Mitigating malnutrition in response to the food crisis created by the lockdown, here’s what anganwadis can do to ensure that children stay nourished in times of COVID-19 and beyond., by Dr. Pavitra Mohan and Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan
  18. Forcing migrants to stay back in cities during lockdown worsened spread of coronavirus, study shows by Dr. Pavitra Mohan and Ms. Arpita Amin
  19. Nursing the Underserved to Health in Rajasthan by Ms.  Manisha Dutta
  20. Stronger health system could have averted 500,000 non-Covid deaths in India in early lockdown period by Dr. Pavitra Mohan, Mr. Raj Gautam Mitra, Ms. Arpita Amin
  21. Responding to the pandemic of 21st century: Dynamics of power, intersections and the ‘Imagined Corona’ in India by Ms. Manisha Dutta
  22. Study of 1,129 migrants who returned to one Rajasthan area shows that none had coronavirus infection by Dr. Pavitra Mohan, Ms. Arpita Amin, Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan
  23. Covid-19 impact: In south Rajasthan clinics, doctors see spike in TB and child malnutrition by Dr Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan, Dr Pavitra Mohan and Ms. Arpita Amin.

Column in journal : Indian Pediatrics

  1. Newborns presented with Hyperthermia: Impact of Climate change on Newborn Health by Dr. Pavitra Mohan, Dr. Gargi Goel and Dr. Surabhi Sanjay.
  2. A Low-Birthweight Baby with Sepsis: The Role of Primary Health Centers (PHCs) in managing Sick Newborns by Dr. Pradeepa Sekar, Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan and Dr. Pavitra Mohan.
  3. Managing a child with acute rheumatic fever in a remote and rural clinic: Role of decentralized primary healthcare by Dr. Amruth Jacob, Dr. PAvitra Mohan and Dr. Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan.
  4. Managing a child with Post-streptococcal Glomerulonephritis in a remote, rural clinic by P. I. Nithin, Gargi Goel, Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan, Pavitra Mohan
  5. A child with Tuberculosis and Severe Acute Malnutrition by Pavitra Mohan, Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan, Gargi Goel.
  6. Management of an adolescent boy with a congenital heart disease: The value of care coordination by Gargi Goel, Pavitra Mohan, Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan
  7. Managing a child with epilepsy: The value of primary care and three-stage assessment by Gargi Goel, Pavitra Mohan, Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan.
  8. Difficulty in Walking: Childhood Manifestations of a Micronutrient Deficiency by Gargi Goel, Amruth Jacob, Pavitra Mohan


A case study on BHS’s work was featured on Harvard Business Publishing titled “Basic Healthcare Services: An Innovative Model for Primary Healthcare Delivery in Rural India