Policy Brief
- Decentralising Maternal Care in India by Srividya Ramanathan, Pavitra Mohan
- Making Primary Health Care Work by Vijayashree Yellappa, Dorothy Lall, Swathi S Balachandra, Pavitra Mohan
- Engaging Urban Communities for Healthcare by Srividya Ramanathan, Pavitra Mohan
Stories & Insights:
Publications in peer reviewed journals:
- Managing an adolescent with Type 1 Diabetes and socioeconomic deprivation in a remote primary care setting — Ethical challenges by Shyamsundar J Raithatha, Apexa Raithatha, Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan, Pavitra Mohan
- Integrating physiotherapy in rural primary health care: Early lessons on the value, feasibility, and emerging role of the physiotherapist from a community-oriented primary care (COPC) program in Rajasthan by Colis Anwari, Deekshita Yadav, Gargi Goel, B. C. Rao, Pavitra Mohan, Ramakrishna Prasad
- Effective, Respectful and Affordable Care: A call for Decentralized Maternal Care Mohan, Pavitra Mohan, Srividya Ramanathan
- Antenatal Uterotonics as a Risk Factor for Intrapartum Stillbirth and First-day Death in Haryana, India by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan.
- Primary care physicians and clinical courage – stories from tribal Rajasthan, India by Shyamsundar Raithatha and Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan
- Healthcare in Post-Covid India: A call for a decentralized healthcare system by C.S. Pramesh, D.V.R. Seshadri, Evita Fernandez, Gullapalli N. Rao, Manisha Dutta, Pavitra Mohan.
- Financing Primary Health Care for Rural Areas (2020). Dutta M, Mohan P, BM, Sanjana, Ponnappan V, and Satyavageeshwaran P. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 9(11): 5516-5522
- Amrit Aahar: A study to assess the effectiveness of nutrition supplementation for patients with Tuberculosis in rural communities in Southern Rajasthan, Anupriya Saxena
- Pathways to Enable Primary Healthcare Nurses in Providing Comprehensive Primary Healthcare to Rural, Tribal Communities in Rajasthan, India (2020). Frontiers in Public Health
- Mohan P. (2020) Providing primary care in COVID-19 lockdown to rural, underserved areas of Rajasthan, India; BMJ Global Health Blogs
- The ‘Invisible’ Among the Marginalized: Do Gender and Intersectionality Matter in COVID-19 Response (2020), Indian Journal of Medical Ethics.Dutta M, Agarwal D, Sivakami M.
- Food Insecurity in Tribal High Migration Communities in Rajasthan, India. Food and Nutrition Bulletin (2020) Saxena A, Amin A, Mohan SB, Mohan P.
- Management of Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition in India: We Know Enough to Act, and We Should Act Now; Editorial, Indian Paediatrics, 54: 813-814. Mohan P, Mohan SB. (2017)
- Child Malnutrition in Rajasthan Study of Tribal, Migrant, Communities, Mohan P, Agarwal K, Jain P. (2016) EPW.; 51(33):73–81.
- Communicable or noncommunicable diseases. Building strong primary health care systems to address double burden of disease in India; Mohan P, Mohan SB, Dutta M. (2019) Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 8(2) doi
Significant Consultations convened by Basic Healthcare Services
- Strengthening Primary Healthcare in Rural India. Report and Recommendations of a National Consultation:https://www.indembassyisrael.gov.in/pdf/Rural_Primary_Care_Report_Sep05.pdf
- Design Thinking Workshop on Future Designs of Primary Healthcare in India https://bhs.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/BHS-HSTP-Workshop-Report-.pdf
- Consultation of financing Primary Healthcare with Primary Healthcare Initiative https://udaipurtimes.com/business-udaipur/c74416w2859cid245582s10709/c74416-w2859-cid245582-s10709.htm
Publications in impactful media platforms and other prominent spaces
- India’s healthcare institutions need more women at the helm by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan
- Nutrition and Growth Standards – Seeing Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors by Dr Yogesh Jain (YJ), With Dr. Pavitra Mohan (PM), and Dr. Rakesh Lodha (RL).
- What ails our Docs? by Dr Sanjana Mohan in OrissaPost
- How to contain India’s TB pandemic by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan and Dr. Pavitra Mohan
- PHC with a work culture will transform health by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan and Dr. Pavitra Mohan
- Guidelines for Management of Silicosis in Primary Care setting by Dr Ramani Atkuri
- Overcoming the Odds by Dr Sanjana Mohan & Lekha Rattanani in OrissaPost
- The long road to the ‘Right to Health’ in India by Pavitra Mohan and Naina Seth
- For rural healthcare it is back to basics by Dr. Pavitra Mohan and Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan
- How to contain India’s TB Pandemic (The Billion Press) by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan and Dr. Pavitra Mohan
- How to contain India’s TB Pandemic (South Asia Monitor) by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan and Dr. Pavitra Mohan
- The Stories of the Nurses of Basic Healthcare Services
- To Be Functional Democracy India Needs to Reclaim its Primary Healthcare by Dr. Pavitra Mohan
- COVID19 Myth versus Reality by Dr. Pavitra Mohan and Ms. Arpita Amin
- Mitigating Malnutrition by Dr. Pavitra Mohan and Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan
- COVID-19 What Primary Health Workers Need by Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan , Ms. Hyjel DSouza, Ms. Manisha Dutta
- Mitigating malnutrition in response to the food crisis created by the lockdown, here’s what anganwadis can do to ensure that children stay nourished in times of COVID-19 and beyond., by Dr. Pavitra Mohan and Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan
- Forcing migrants to stay back in cities during lockdown worsened spread of coronavirus, study shows by Dr. Pavitra Mohan and Ms. Arpita Amin
- Nursing the Underserved to Health in Rajasthan by Ms. Manisha Dutta
- Stronger health system could have averted 500,000 non-Covid deaths in India in early lockdown period by Dr. Pavitra Mohan, Mr. Raj Gautam Mitra, Ms. Arpita Amin
- Responding to the pandemic of 21st century: Dynamics of power, intersections and the ‘Imagined Corona’ in India by Ms. Manisha Dutta
- Study of 1,129 migrants who returned to one Rajasthan area shows that none had coronavirus infection by Dr. Pavitra Mohan, Ms. Arpita Amin, Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan
- Covid-19 impact: In south Rajasthan clinics, doctors see spike in TB and child malnutrition by Dr Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan, Dr Pavitra Mohan and Ms. Arpita Amin.
Column in journal : Indian Pediatrics
- Newborns presented with Hyperthermia: Impact of Climate change on Newborn Health by Dr. Pavitra Mohan, Dr. Gargi Goel and Dr. Surabhi Sanjay.
- A Low-Birthweight Baby with Sepsis: The Role of Primary Health Centers (PHCs) in managing Sick Newborns by Dr. Pradeepa Sekar, Dr. Sanjana B. Mohan and Dr. Pavitra Mohan.
- Managing a child with acute rheumatic fever in a remote and rural clinic: Role of decentralized primary healthcare by Dr. Amruth Jacob, Dr. PAvitra Mohan and Dr. Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan.
- Managing a child with Post-streptococcal Glomerulonephritis in a remote, rural clinic by P. I. Nithin, Gargi Goel, Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan, Pavitra Mohan
- A child with Tuberculosis and Severe Acute Malnutrition by Pavitra Mohan, Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan, Gargi Goel.
- Management of an adolescent boy with a congenital heart disease: The value of care coordination by Gargi Goel, Pavitra Mohan, Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan
- Managing a child with epilepsy: The value of primary care and three-stage assessment by Gargi Goel, Pavitra Mohan, Sanjana Brahmawar Mohan.
- Difficulty in Walking: Childhood Manifestations of a Micronutrient Deficiency by Gargi Goel, Amruth Jacob, Pavitra Mohan

A case study on BHS’s work was featured on Harvard Business Publishing titled “Basic Healthcare Services: An Innovative Model for Primary Healthcare Delivery in Rural India“