My journey across The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference India has emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the world… India will soon be a $5 Trillion economy…A Digitisation wave has swept across … Continue reading My journey across The Road Not Taken
8 Ways in Which India’s Public Healthcare Can Change for the Better As we enter the new year, we reflect on the last, and dream of an India where all people live in good health.Here is one wish list of items that could take us there. Click here to read the article : By … Continue reading 8 Ways in Which India’s Public Healthcare Can Change for the Better
An agenda for young doctors: Reclaiming values, relevance and skills Young doctors are facing anxiety and insecurity Being a Doctor is challenging and worrying for the new generation of doctors. There is an ever increasing insecurity among the young doctors (actually even among not so young doctors) about the future of medical profession. The number … Continue reading An agenda for young doctors: Reclaiming values,relevance and skills
Musings on interaction with young doctors EHA is a Consortium of socially-sensitive healthcare providers, organizations involved in fostering livelihood, and education institutions from across the country, who can, through networking and resource sharing, come up with new and improved models for providing access to healthcare. Basic Healthcare Services is one of the founding members of … Continue reading Musings on interaction with young doctors
Health of tribal, migrant populations:Reflections of a young intern Rajasthan’s terrain consists mainly of deserts and small forests that are scattered across the state. For decades, these forests housed different tribal groups. These societies relied on the forests for plants that could be used for tools, shelter, and other goods. They developed simple farming techniques … Continue reading Health of tribal, migrant populations:Reflections of a young intern
Nurses form the backbone of AMRIT clinics. They play a vital role in the functioning of the clinics by providing clinical care and outreach care to the remote, rural, and underserved populations. They also provide safe childbirth services and manage emergencies by staying within the community for 24X7. On the occasion of International Nurses Day, … Continue reading Inspiring Stories Of Everyday Heroes
click here to access the Annual Report 2018-’19 of Basic Healthcare Services BHS-Annual-Report-2018-19Download Report
Musings of a young doctor Chapter 1 : Am I heading towards the right direction ? Thank God! Finally that day has arrived, it’s degree completion day. After a lot of struggle and efforts, I have earned the MBBS degree, and I am officially a doctor. I enjoyed this sense of achievement for a few days by … Continue reading Musings of a young doctor
Primary health care is rooted in a commitment to social justice and equity and in the recognition of the fundamental right to the highest attainable standard of health -World Health Organisation October 2018 marked 40 years of the Alma Ata Declaration that brought together global leaders, public health practitioners towards a collective commitment to delivering … Continue reading Re-imagining designs of primary healthcare for the future
यह कहानी है आदिवासी परिवार में जन्में श्री गौतम मीणा* की जो सलूम्बर क्षेत्र कि झल्लारा पंचायत समिति के बोरी गाँव के रहने वाले हैं। इनकी माता की मृत्यु तभी हो गई थी जब वे मात्र 5 वर्ष के थे और पिता का साया भी आज से 2 वर्ष पूर्व उठ गया था। गरीबी व … Continue reading जिन्दगी मिल गई है दुबारा
Time to end TB or is it? Economic burden deterring TB Care 27 years old Galba* had contracted TB three years ago while working as a Head Loader in Ahmedabad. Galba hailed from a tribal hamlet of Udaipur district in Rajasthan. Earning a bare amount of Rs 3000, Galba had to sustain a family comprising … Continue reading Time to end TB or is it? Economic burden deterring TB Care
Swasth Diwas is an initiative at Amrit Clinic to create a peer group of persons suffering from Tuberculosis and their families. This group congregates once a month. They learn about the disease itself, the importance of compliance to the drug regime, and nutrition; they bust myths, and meet survivors. Pranoti Monde, an India fellow at … Continue reading Swasth Diwas at Amrit: A Photostory
In a fight against Tuberculosis with AMRIT Clinics “TB ke marizon se milne ya unke ghar jaane mein khatra hai kyunki isse aapko bhi TB ho sakta hai.” “TB toh ek halki bimari hai jisme khansi aur bukhar hota hai. Ise kisi ilaaj ki zarurat nahi.” “TB toh keval un purshon ko hota hai jo … Continue reading In a fight against Tuberculosis with AMRIT Clinics
जुडवाँ बच्चे-दोहरी खुशियाँ नवली बाई मानपुर पंचायत के हण्ड़ी फला गांव की रहने वाली एक खेतीहर आदिवासी महिला श्रमिक है। इनकी उम्र 40 वर्ष है। लाली बाई के पति रामलाल प्रवासी श्रमिक है जो कि अहमदाबाद में मार्बल फर्श घिसाई का कार्य करते है। रामलाल जी लम्बे समय तक प्रवास पर रहते है और वार-त्योहार … Continue reading जुडवाँ बच्चे-दोहरी खुशियाँ
पोषण कार्यक्रम से बदला दूर-दराज आदिवासी इलाकों में खान-पान का स्वरूप “एक माह मेँ केवल दो बार हरी सब्जी का उपयोग होता जब माँ बाजार जाती तो हरी सब्जी नसीब होती लेकिन किचन गार्डन लगाने के बाद सप्ताह मेँ चार दिन हरी सब्जी खाते है और पड़ौसियों को भी दी है” – पन्नालाल *(टी बी … Continue reading पोषण कार्यक्रम से बदला दूर-दराज के आदिवासी क्षेत्रों में खान-पान का स्वरूप
Access the complete Report of National Consultation on Strengthening Primary HealthCare in Rural India organised by Basic HealthCare Services and Academy of Family Physicians in India during the World Rural Health Conference ’18 held in April’18 at Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi
The National Consultation on Strengthening Primary Healthcare in Rural India Synthesising evidences for building a responsive, comprehensive primary healthcare for the underserved Primary healthcare is essentially the first three floors of a hundred floor tall building. – Dr M K Bhan In the month of April 2018, Basic HealthCare Services in partnership with Academy of … Continue reading The National Consultation on Strengthening Primary Healthcare in Rural India
All across the country poor people receive even poorer healthcare when it is them that require it the most. Where public facilities are lacking untrained professionals and quacks flock to fill the gap. Here is one such disturbing incident from AMRIT Clinic field area. When Manish had a high fever for two consecutive days, Bheru*, … Continue reading Is you Daaktar Saab really a Doctor?
The 72nd Independence day was indeed a special one for Rawach, a village located in Gogunda Tehsil in the Udaipur District of Rajasthan . In the presence of approximately 300 residents AMRIT Clinic -an initiative by Basic HealthCare Services (BHS), in collaboration with Aajeevika Bureau (AB), was inaugurated at Rawach. This is the second clinic where … Continue reading Rawach hopes for a Healthier future this Independence Day